We've announced a major upgrade to our turn-key Assetwolf platform.

Click here for the the official press release.

Connecting using MQTT and REST

Assetwolf sites can now connect using MQTT or REST (http GET requests) out of the box, using SSL/TLS if required.

There are now a myriad of ways to define data fields coming from assets, and it's possible to define fields that are calculated or derived from incoming values in real time.

Helicopter views of data

It's possible to develop a "helicopter view" of data coming from thousands of assets via the new Data Pools system.

This allows you to define aggregated data fields that are calculated from the data from numerous related assets. 

For example, if assets are machines in various buildings, a data pool can represent a production line, a building or a complete industrial plant. Customers with roles at those plants can then view summarised data for the location, and drill down to lower levels.

Better support for B2B customers

We've improved our support for business-to-business customers, where user permissions can now be granted on a per-role and per-location basis, in which a location represents one of numerous buildings belonging to a customer.

Superusers (i.e. portal administrators) can therefore relate assets with locations, and customer users who work at those locations will automatically be granted controlled access according to the kind of job they do.


We've improved the reporting systems in Assetwolf. It's now possible to define PDF reports to be created automatically and held on the portal, for example nightly or weekly, for every asset.

Reports can remain on the Assetwolf portal even if the underlying detailed data is deleted.

Try it out!

It takes just seconds to create a free Assetwolf portal, start here.